When you engage in Wan World Funeral Services to handle the funeral services, you can rest assured that you are dealing with an established brick-and-mortar company, instead of a freelance funeral planner or operator. This will give you a peace of mind on the commitment and invaluable experience we have to help you in your funeral arrangements.
We are the professional provider which offer optimum assistance and consultancy when needed. Well assured that there is no cause of emotional and physical stress to the family. Out staff are well trained in the area of patience and compassion. You will therefore find that we are very attentive and sensitive to our clients’ needs.
Wan World Funeral Services is committed to serve you with professionalism and provide quality service you can trust. In keeping with our belief that information, support and kindness is what every bereaved family need. We listen with compassion and sensitivity, answer all questions with professionalism and respect your choices in making the best decision for you or your loved one.
To serve you better, we offer a comprehensive range of funeral services solutions. By handling funerals for all races and religions to providing wreaths, caskets and urns. Below is the example of services we provide.
Step 1
Professional Guidance
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Make Up
Step 5
Pickup By Hearse
Step 6
Set Up The Farewell Hall
Step 7
(Burial Package)
Step 8
(Cremation Package)
Step 8
Cremation Into The Box /
Ashes Storage